WOW! Can you believe it?! I feel like the last half of this pregnancy is flying by! I guess it doesn't help that it is around the holiday's and everything..that always makes time fly it seems. I am feeling really good though! Belly is growing every day and her movements are getting stronger and more often too! I think for the first time I over-did it on Saturday. We had an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" Party. We spent the day cleaning and making food so I was on my feet all the end of the night I felt SOOOO exhausted and sore! I woke up on Sunday feeling fine though.
We also celebrated our 6 year anniversary on Sunday. 6 years! Can you believe it?! 6 years ago I was an 18 year old..and here we are, finally getting our wish! We've come such a long way in 6 years..that's for sure.
Anyhow, I have my 30 week appointment tomorrow. After that..I start going every 2 weeks! Holy cow! I really can't believe how fast this is going! I am trying to cherish it as much as I can..because we really don't know if I will ever be able to get pregnant again..without IVF. Let's just pray that another one is in God's plan :) are some is of me and my ugly sweater before our party on Saturday!
Merry Christmas!
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